









  • 本獎學金由利漢楨教授通過洽蕙基金捐贈,以紀念常宗豪教授數十年教授及研究中文的貢獻,亦鼓勵有志修讀中國語言及文學系的學生。
  • 本獎學金每年名額一至三名,每名金額為港幣一萬元。於每一年度第二學期期間頒授。
  • 領受人必須為主修中國語言及文學系的哲學博士或哲學碩士研究生,學業成績優良。
  • 候選人如能證明具備優秀的藝術創作能力,特別是書畫的造詣,將獲優先推薦。

Dr. Chan Kin Leung Memorial Scholarship

The Dr. Chan Kin Leung Memorial Scholarship was established with a generous donation from the wife of the late Dr. Chan Kin Leung. It is awarded to final-year undergraduate student majoring in Chinese Language and Literature who has submitted an outstanding thesis in classical Chinese works, especially in the field of Jing Xue.



Ho Chuk Ping and Ng Chiu Wing Classical Chinese Poetry Writing Scholarships

Ho Chuk Ping and Ng Chiu Wing Classical Chinese Poetry Writing Scholarships were established with a generous donation from Ho Chuk Ping and Ng Chiu Wing Classical Chinese Literature Development Fund in 2013 to be awarded to students who have outstanding performance in Classical Chinese poetry writing, aiming at promoting Classical Chinese poetry writing and enhancing the knowledge of Chinese culture of students.

There will be up to four awardees each year, in the amount of HK$ 10,000 each. Recipients must be students who study “Classical Chinese Poetry: Selected Readings and Writing Practice” with outstanding performance.

Ho Chuk Ping and Ng Chiu Wing Classical Chinese Literature Development Fund also supports academic conferences on Classical Chinese Literary works to be organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature.


Mr. Ho Chuk Ping’s Works













Ho Chuk Ping and Ng Chiu Wing Traditional Chinese Literature Conference


Classical Chinese literature is one of the four focused research areas of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The Department has organized many international conferences in the past years, bringing researchers, poets together, successfully promoting the development of the research in classical Chinese literature. Prof. Wong Juen Kong, Prof. Wong Kuan Io, Dr. Ching Chung Shan from the Department have been actively involved in promoting Classical Chinese literature research in Hong Kong and organized several international conferences focusing on the research of Classical Chinese Literary Works in Hong Kong and the development of Chinese Literature in traditional style in modern and contemporary China. Research papers have been published in a number of journals and proceedings.

In 2013, Ho Chuk Ping and Ng Chiu Wing Classical Chinese Literature Development Fund was established with a generous donation from the Estates of Madam Ng Chiu-wing to support academic conferences on Classical Chinese Literary on a non-periodic basis to foster scholarly exchange in Classical Chinese Literature.

Ho Chuk Ping and Ng Chiu Wing Classical Chinese Literature Development Fund also supports the establishment of the Ho Chuk Ping and Ng Chiu Wing Classical Chinese Poetry Writing Scholarships to be of must assistance and encouragement to the awardees.


2022-23 Awardees Thank you message and Poetry Writing (in Chinese)

2021-22 Awardees Thank you message and Poetry Writing (in Chinese)

2020-21 Awardees Thank you message and Poetry Writing (in Chinese)










