Organizers: The Department of Chinese Language and Literature and The D.C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts of the Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK
Sponsors: The Faculty of Arts and The Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK
Date: 14 – 15 December, 2017
Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speech:
Date: 14 December, 2017
Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm>
Venue: Cho Yiu Hall, CUHK
Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Roger Ames (Peking University): Humans can Broaden the Way; Sages can Expand the Heavens
Prof. Liu Zhao (Fudan University): 談中國古代的「兵術數」
Panel Discussions:
Date & Time: 2:00pm – 6:00pm, 14 December & 9:00am – 6:00pm, 15 December, 2017
Venue: Meeting Room & Activities Room, 2/F, Art Museum East Wing, Institute of Chinese Studies
Conference website: