Prof. LU Yin

Prof. LU Yin

Visiting Scholar

BA, PhD (PekingU)


LU Yin is an Associate Professor with Tenure in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Peking University. He earned his PhD in Classical Chinese Literature from Peking University and has served as a visiting fellow at Kyoto University, Japan. He was awarded the Youth Achievement Award of the Eighth Outstanding Achievement Award for Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (2020).

Research Interests

Early Modern Chinese Literature / Late Qing Research / Leserevolution of Early Modern East Asia

Selected Publications


  •  LU Yin. Making National Literature: Literary Education and Intellectual Evolution in Late Qing China. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2022.
  • LU Yin. Constructing New Knowledge under the Old Regime: An Investigation of Zhang Zhidong Literati Circle. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2015.


Latest Research Papers

  • LU Yin. “From ‘Texts’ to ‘Principles’: The Modern Change of Confucian Classics’ Reading Methods in the Perspective of Leserevolution,” in Literature,History,and Philosophy文史哲. no.4(2024), 39-57.
  • LU Yin. “From ‘Self-indictment’ to ‘Self-sublimation’:
  • Zeng Guofan’s Daily Reading Schedule and the Internalization of Archaic Prose Chanting,” in Journal of Peking University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)北京大學學報(哲學社會科學版), no.6(2021), 110-121.
  • LU Yin. “Orality and Literacy in Late Qing Chinese Discourse,” in Social Sciences in China中國社會科學, no.5(2019), 161-185.
Research Scheme
Year Research Scheme
  • Leserevolution in Late Qing China
  • Wenzhangxue in Early Modern China
Awards and Honors
Year Awards and Honors
  • 北京大學教學卓越獎
  • 首都勞動獎章

The Youth Achievement Award of the Eighth Outstanding Achievement Award for Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities (Humanities and Social Sciences) by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China