Dr. LAI Pit Shun

Dr. LAI Pit Shun

Senior Lecturer

BA, MPhil, PhD (CUHK)


I graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in Chinese Language and Literature, and obtained his Bachelor (First Class Honors), Master, and Doctor degrees accordingly. Since 2013, I has been teaching in this department, serving successively as Lecturer and Senior Lecturer, teaching various courses in Chinese language, literature, and general education, including “University Chinese I & II,” “Practical Chinese Writing,” and “Appreciation of Classical Literary Masterpieces.” I also hold the position of principal investigator or co-investigator in several Chinese language teaching and research projects. In recent years, I have focused on the research of Chinese language pedagogy, actively promoting eLearning. Some of the project outcomes have been  recognized at CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo.

I am passionate about teaching and strive to promote language education through a humanistic approach, emphasizing the handling of individual differences in language learning. I am dedicated to designing appropriate language learning experiences for students and regularly updating teaching materials and appproach to align with their future needs, thereby enhancing their learning motivation. I have been honored with the Vice Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award(2018), Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award and the Teaching Excellence Award of he Department of Chinese Language and Literature.(2016, 2018, 2022, 2023).

Research Interests

The design of the curriculum, pedagogy and eLearning of Chinese Language / Practical Chinese Writing / Classical Chinese Novel / Use of AI in Chinese Writing

Selected Publications
  • 期刊論文、專書專章及文集論文

    • 〈試論張飛表字訛為「翼德」之緣由〉,《文學論衡》第7期,2006年,頁1-9。
    • 〈吳觀明本《李卓吾先生批評三國志》塗抹研究〉,《2005明代文學國際學術研討會論文集》,北京︰學苑出版社,2006年,頁557-575。
    • 〈從醉耕堂本看毛氏父子圈點《三國志演義》〉,《中文學刊》第五期,香港中文大學中國語言及文學系、北京大學中文系,2008 年,頁 179-223。
    • 〈明清《三國志演義》評點形態述論〉,《中國文學與文化的傳統與變革》,南京︰南京大學出版社,2008年,頁68-83。
    • 〈論毛氏父子與金聖嘆小說評點取向之異同〉,《明代文學與科舉文化》,北京︰中國社會科學出版社,2008年,頁260-272。
    • 〈對應敘述與經典重釋︰論《警世通言.莊子休鼓盆成大道》的主題建構〉,《現代語文》(文學研究版),曲阜︰曲阜師範大學,2009 年,頁 56-59。
    • 〈試論《四庫全書總目》對明文流變的體察及評價〉,《明代文學論集》,福州︰海峽文藝出版社,2009年,頁168-181。
    • 〈從清前期選集看歸有光散文的定位〉,《典範轉移︰學科的互動與整合》,臺中︰國立中央大學,2009 年 9 月,頁 227-259。
    • 〈五十一卷毛評本《三國志演義》版本價值商榷〉,《文學論衡》第15期,2009年,頁11-17。
    • 〈重論杭永年與《三國志演義》評點的關係: 以《古文快筆貫通解》為線索〉,《明代文學研究的新進展》,北京︰生活.讀書.新知三聯書店,2014年,頁744-758。
    • 〈略談饒宗頤教授的學術面貌——讀《文學與神明︰饒宗頤訪談錄》〉,《香港作家》第 1期(2014 年),頁 17-19。
    • 〈略論汪端《明三十家詩選》的編選特色〉,黃霖、陳廣宏、鄭利華編《2013 年明代文學國際學術研討會論文集》 (南京: 鳳凰出版社(江蘇古籍出版社),2015 年),頁 614-624。
    • 〈論毛氏父子(毛綸、毛宗崗)與金聖嘆評點活動的關係〉, 香港中文大學中國語言及文學系編《明清研究論叢》(上海︰上海古籍出版社,2015 年), 頁 25-42。
    • 〈毛氏父子評點本《三國志演義》的文體定位及評點立場〉,陳平原主編《今古齊觀︰中國文學中的古典與現代》(香港︰香港中文大學出版社,2017 年),頁 335-356。
    • 〈略說「中大文學地圖」(APP)的設計構思及教學應用〉,《華文創意寫作與跨媒體實踐》,臺北︰新銳文創,2022年,頁29-40。
    • 〈邏輯思維與中學中國語文教學——以高中寫作教學為中心的討論〉,《中國語文教學策略與實踐》,香港︰三聯書店,2023年,頁156-172。

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Research Scheme
Year Research Scheme
  • 2024-2025, Co-Principal Investigator, “Enriching the self-learning resources of CHLT 1104 Elementary Self-learning Chinese for international student”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (CUHK)
  • 2024-2025, Principal Investigator, “Reimaging Chinese Language Teaching in the AI Era: A comprehensive professional development plans for the Chinese Language Teaching Team”, Funding scheme for promoting technology in education (CUHK)
  • 2024-2025, Co-Principal Investigator, “Enhancing spoken Chinese proficiency: A comprehensive initiative for student success”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (CUHK)
  • 2024-2025, Co-Principal Investigator, “Student as partners in language enhancement: Game your way to Chinese”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (CUHK)
  • 2024-2025, Co-Principal Investigator, “Chinese across the curriculum: Collaboration with College and the Office of University General Education”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (CUHK)
  • 2024-2025, Co-Investigator, “Ancient Chinese texts online: Enhancing student’s Chinese writing skills through the study of classical sayings”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (CUHK)
  • 2024, Co-Principal Investigator, “Tailored language enhancement program: Chinese across curriculum and care for SEN student”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (CUHK)
  • 2023-2025, Co-Investigator, “The Peer Advantage: Harnessing the Power of Peer learning for First-year Growth and University Transition”, Funding scheme to enhance student engagement and address student learning (CUHK)
  • 2021-2023, Co-Investigator, “Bring Virtual Technology into Humanities Education: A Reflective Practice”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (CUHK)
  • 2021-2022, Co-Investigator, “Development of eLearning tools for Cantonese Linguistic”, Courseware Development Grant (CUHK)
  • 2021-2022, Co-Investigator, “A pilot Project for in Dialogue with Humanity”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (CUHK)
  • 2020, Co-Investigator, “Online teaching special funding scheme, A multi-media module for speaking assessment in University Chinese”, Special funding scheme for development for online learning (CUHK)
  • 2018-2019, Principal Investigator, “A Self-Learning app of Cantonese tones for non-Cantonese native speaking Students”, Courseware Development Grant (CUHK)
  • 2018-2019, Co-Investigator, “The Micro-modules for Learning Cantonese Romanization”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (CUHK)
  • 2018-2019, Co-Investigator, “Construction of a University Student Writing Corpus for the Development of Learning Enhancement and Quality Control Tools”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (CUHK)
  • 2018-2019, Co-Investigator, “Micro-modules of Cantonese for CHLT 1104 Self-Learning Elementary Chinese”, Courseware Development Grant (CUHK)
  • 2016-2019, Co-Investigator, “Learning Chinese Outside the Classroom”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (CUHK)
  • 2016-2019, Co-Investigator, “Classroom/Location-Based Language Enhancement Technologies for Rich Interaction”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (CUHK)
  • 2016-2017, Principal Investigator, “Supplementary eLearning animation and videos for CHLT 1105 Self-Learning Chinese”, Micro-modules Courseware Development Grant (CUHK)
  • 2016-2017, Principal Investigator, “Language Map of CUHK2.0”, Courseware Development Grant (CUHK)
Awards and Honors
Year Awards and Honors
  • 中國語言及文學系教學表現優異奬 (2023)
  • Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award (2023)
  • CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO Poster Award (Educational Impact)——Silver Award(2023)
  • 中國語言及文學系教學表現優異奬 (2022)
  • Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award (2022)
  • CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO Poster Award (Educational Impact)——Gold Award(2022)
  • CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO Poster Award (Educational Impact)——People’s Prize(2022)
  • 中國語言及文學系教學表現優異奬 (2018)
  • Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award (2018)
  • Vice Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award (2018)
  • CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO Poster Award (Educational Impact)——Gold Award(2017)
  • 中國語言及文學系教學表現優異奬 (2016)
  • Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award (2016)