Prof. HO Che Wah

Prof. HO Che Wah

Choh-Ming Li Professor of Chinese Language and Literature

BA, MPhil, PhD (CUHK)


Ho Che Wah obtained his Master’s and Doctorate degrees in Philosophy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He presently holds the positions of the Choh-Ming Li Professor of Chinese Language and Literature in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Director of the D. C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts at the Institute of Chinese Studies, and the Associate Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies.


His research areas include ancient Chinese texts, Chinese textual criticism, and the compilation of reference books. He is currently working on “A Study of Xunzi Literature” (a project funded by the Professor Chow Tse-tsung and Professor Lau Din-cheuk Memorial Fund for Literature and the Research Matching Grant Scheme).


He has published over fifty monographs, including: The Intratextuality and Intertextuality of the Xunzi, A Review and Reflection on the Bamboo Slip Text Wenzi, A Glimpse into the Lüshi Chunqiu, Collected Exegeses on the Variants in Classical Commentaries, Studies in Zhuangzi and Xunzi, Collected Essays on the Meaning of the Classics, A Guide and Translation of the Lüshi Chunqiu, Collected Essays on Gao You’s Commentaries on the Lüshi Chunqiu and the Huainanzi, A Textual Study of Classical Canons: From the Shijing, Shangshu to Shiji, and The New Evidence Which Points to the Date of the Wenzi, among others. Additionally, he has published over thirty academic journal articles and edited more than eighty volumes in ICS Concordances to Works of Pre-Han and Han Concordance Series and ICS Concordances to Works of Wei-Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties Concordance Series. He has served as the principal investigator of the CHANT Database, which contains approximately 87 million characters of texts, including oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, excavated wood/bamboo and silk scripts, and the transmitted texts from the Pre-Han period to the Six Dynasties, as well as Tang and Song leishu.

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Research Interests

Ancient Chinese Texts / Chinese Textual Criticism / The Compilation of Reference Book

Selected Publications


  • 《重合與分歧:〈荀子〉篇章互見文辭疏證》,240頁,香港:商務印書館,預計2025年3月出版。
  • 《〈荀子〉內部重合文辭資料彙編》,678頁,香港:香港中文大學出版社,2021年12月。
  • 《竹簡〈文子〉研究之回顧與反思》,266頁,北京:中華書局,2019年8月。
  • 《〈呂氏春秋〉管窺》,318頁,香港:中華書局,2015年6月。
  • 《古籍傳注異文訓詁集證》,364頁,香港:劉殿爵中國古籍研究中心,2015年6月。
  • 《莊荀考論》,228頁,香港:劉殿爵中國古籍研究中心,2015年5月。
  • 《經義叢考》,209頁,香港:劉殿爵中國古籍研究中心,2015年3月。
  • 《〈呂氏春秋〉導讀及譯注》,收入《新視野中華經典文庫》,332頁,香港:中華書局,2013年7月。
  • 《高誘注解發微:從〈呂氏春秋〉到〈淮南子〉》,253頁,香港:中國古籍研究中心,2007年9月。
  • 《經史考據:從〈詩〉〈書〉到〈史記〉》,228頁,香港:中國古籍研究中心,2007年3月。

Book Chapters

  • 〈《荀子》篇章內部重合文辭考論〉,載於《「古籍新詮:先秦兩漢文獻論集》, 頁555–74,香港中文大學中國語言及文學系,香港:2020。
  • 〈竹簡《文子》關鍵問題再議〉,載復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心編:《出土文獻與傳世典籍的詮釋》(上海:中西書局,2019年11月),頁226–57。
  • 〈《荀子》與經籍相合文辭考證:以《孟子》、《禮記》為例〉,載張曉生主編:《經學史研究的回顧與展望——林慶彰教授榮退紀念論文集》(臺北:萬卷樓,2019年10月),頁913–29。
  • 〈《史記》詮釋《論語》考〉,載林慶彰、盧鳴東編:《中日韓經學國際學術研討會論文集》(臺北:萬卷樓圖書出版公司,2015年),頁735–50。
  • 〈楊樹達《周易古義》補遺——以諸子文例為證〉,載《變動時代的經學與經學家——民國時期(1912–1949)經學研究》(臺北:萬卷樓圖書出版公司,2014年),頁225–40。
  • 〈楊樹達《論語疏證》補遺——以五經書證為例〉,載《變動時代的經學與經學家——民國時期(1912–1949)經學研究》(臺北:萬卷樓圖書出版公司,2014年),頁595–613。

Journal Articles

  • Rethinking the Authorship of the “Xing E” Chapter: An Investigation of the Parallel Passages in Different Chapters in the Xunzi, Monumenta Serica 2, Monumenta Serica Institute, Estimated in December 2024.
  • On How Xunzi’s Disciples Composed the “Ruxiao儒效(The Achievements of the Ru) ChapterDalüe 大略(The Grand Digest), and the “Zhongni 仲尼(On Confucius), Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Hong Kong Baptist University Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Volume 10, November 2023.
  • 〈重合與分歧:《荀子》篇章內部文辭對讀〉,華東師範大學先秦諸子研究中心,《諸子學刊》,第二十三輯,2021年12月。
  • Use of Alternative Characters in the Annotations of Ancient Texts, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, The Chinese University Press, Volume 47, Number 1, January 2019, pp. 1-41.
  • 採信與駁詰:荀卿對莊周言辯論說之反思〉,香港中文大學,中國文化研究所,《中國文化研究所學報》,第六十五期,頁1–22,2017年1月。
  • 〈《莊子.大宗師》「入水不濡、入火不熱」解詁——兼論《莊子》表述「離形去知」相關問題〉,復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心,上海:上海古籍出版社,《出土文獻與古文字研究》,第六輯,頁683–702,2015年2月。

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Research Scheme
Year Research Scheme

Competitive Grants (serve as Principal Investigator)
A Study of the Intratextuality and Intertextuality of Xunzi: A New Attempt at Dating Ancient Chinese Texts (《荀子》篇章關係研究:古文獻斷代的新嘗試 ) Ref. No.: CUHK14606918, Research Grants Committee (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF), 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2020, HK$0.38M


Competitive Grants (serve as Principal Investigator)
A Study of the Relationship between Philological Commentaries and Alternative Characters in Ancient Texts (古書訓詁與古籍異文關係研究), Ref. No.: CUHK4444112, Research Grants Committee (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF), 01/01/2013 – 31/12/2015, HK$0.48M


Competitive Grants (serve as Principal Investigator)
Lexicology, Syntax, Translation: An Integration of the Existing Studies for Ancient Chinese Texts (詞彙、句式、翻譯:古代漢語綜合研究計劃), Ref. No.: 1902054, CUHK FIS Scheme B, 01/01/2009 – 31/12/2012, HK$2.2M


Competitive Grants (serve as Principal Investigator)
The Second Phase of An Integrated Study of the Pre-Han and Han Lexicon: The Establishment of a Multi-Purpose Online Dictionary of Ancient Chinese Texts (先秦兩漢詞彙綜合研究––––古代漢語多功能網絡辭典之構建(二)), Ref. No.: 2110154, Research Grants Committee (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF), 01/01/2009 – 30/06/2010, HK$0.72M


Competitive Grants (serve as Principal Investigator)
An Integrated Study of the Pre-Han and Han Lexicon: The Establishment of a Multi-Purpose Online Dictionary of Ancient Chinese Texts (先秦兩漢詞彙綜合研究––––古代漢語多功能網絡辭典之構建), Ref. No.: CUHK4518/06H, Research Grants Committee (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF), 01/01/2007 – 30/06/2008, HK$0.52M


Competitive Grants (serve as Principal Investigator)
The Completion Project of All Ongoing CHANT (CHinese ANcient Texts) Database (古文獻資料庫現行計劃之拓展與完善), Ref. No.: CUHK3/02H, Research Grants Committee (RGC) Central Allocation Fund (CAF),01/03/2003 – 31/08/2006, HK$1.5M


Competitive Grants (serve as Principal Investigator)
The First Phase of a Computerized Database of the Entire Body of Extant Chinese Encyclopedias (Leishu) (中國傳統類書電子資料庫首期研究計劃), Ref. No.: CUHK4268/01H, Research Grants Committee (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF), 01/09/2001 – 31/08/2004, HK$2.0M


Competitive Grants (serve as Principal Investigator)
A Proposal of the First Phase of a Complete Study of the Parallel Passages Found in Pre-Han and Han Traditional Texts (先秦兩漢互見文獻首階段研究計劃), Ref. No.: CUHK4012/99H, Research Grants Committee (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF), 01/09/1999 – 28/02/2003, HK$1.05M

Awards and Honors
Year Awards and Honors

The Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award (2019-20), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 04/2021


The Long Service Award 2014, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 04/2015


The Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award (2013), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 12/2014


The Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award (2012-13), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 04/2014