From Novel Construction to Transmedia Adaptation: A Creative Project (2023/24)

Funded by the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG)From Novel Construction to Transmedia Adaptation: A Creative Project (2023/24) (2023/24)

Project Title
From Novel Construction to Transmedia Adaptation: A Creative Project (2023/24)
Funding Year
Principle Investigator
Dr. CHEUNG Wing Mui
Funding Organization
University Grants Committee (UGC)

“University Chinese I and II” are the core courses provided for around 3000 CUHK students to enhance their Chinese language abilities and to generate their innovative ideas. The newly reformed University Chinese II (2 credits) will be conducted in 2023, and “Fiction” is one of the new elements of the course. This application is now proposing a Chinese language enhancement and creativity cultivation project as a supplement to the reformed course. It is also available to all CUHK students. The project focuses on not only the writing of fiction, but also its transmedia adaptations with high involvement of students. These adaptations will be transformed into 3 micro-modules to assist the teaching and learning of University Chinese II.

The project includes holding workshops to enhance students’ transmedia writing and creating skills; organizing a fiction writing and transmedia adaptation competition for CUHK UG students; displaying students’ works through online platform and exhibition in CUHK; further development of micro-modules to benefit the teaching and learning of University Chinese II.

This project aims to cultivate students’ stronger engagement in learning Chinese Language, Literature and Arts, encourage students to think creatively, collaborate effectively in teamwork, integrate interdisciplinary knowledge and concern about important global issues.

Other Information
