陳濟舟 教授

陳濟舟 教授


BA Hons (NUS), AM (Harvard), PhD (Harvard)





現當代中國文學與文化 / 華語語系研究 / 環境人文學 / 批判理論

  • 學術:

    1. “A Preliminary Discussion of the Literature of Things” 物的文學芻論, A History of Modern Chinese Literature中國近三百年文學史, Taipei: Linking Publishing. (Forthcoming)

    2. “Of Illness and Illusion: The Chaosmology of Han Song’s Hospital Trilogy,” Chinese Science Fiction: Concepts, Forms, and Histories, Palgrave. (2024: 213-234)

    3. “Oil, Wild Boars, and Parang Knives: Chang Kuei-hsing’s Dark South Seas” 石油、野豬和帕朗刀:張貴興的「暗」南洋, in Zhihao Chen, ed., The Pulauscape: Essays on Southeast Asian Literature, Culture, and History文史浮羅, Kaohsiung: Center for the Humanities, National Sun Yat-sun University, 2022: 147-180.

    4. “Animals and Animate Things, Events and Propensity of Things” 動物與「動」物,物事與物勢, in David Wang, ed., A New Literary History of Modern China 哈佛新編中國現代文學史, Taipei: Rye Field Publishing Co., 2021, 472-476.

    5. “The Feeling of Ling (the Numinous): Human-Animal Relations in Three Sinophone Short Stories,” Modern Chinese Language and Literature 33, no. 2, 2021: 169-204.

    6. “Corpse and Death, Birth and Thoughts: Lo Yi-chun’s Discourse on Things from The Ming Dynasty and other Novels” 物之屍/物之死;物之生/物之思:從《明朝》回溯駱以軍的物學, Journal of Modern Chinese Literature 中國現代文學39, 2021: 25-48.


  • 創意寫作:

    1. 永發街事 Eng Watt Street Happenings (Taiwan: Linking Publishing, 2019).

    2. “我走遍所有的南方尋找你 (When I Looked For You in the South) ” 聯合文學 (UNITAS Literary Monthly), May, 2024.

    3. “登不西山傳說 (The Legend of Dempsey Hill)” 聯合早報 (Lianhe Zaobao), Nov 8, 2023, ZB Now section.

    4. “想我在盛港的日子 (My Days in Sengkang)” 聯合早報 (Lianhe Zaobao), June 7/9, 2023, ZB Now section.

    5. “涌 (The Surge) ” 上海文學 (Shanghai Literature), Dec 2022.

    6. “無間 (The Intimate) ” 香港文學 (Hong Kong Literary), Sep 2021, p.65-80.

    7. “速寫南非 (Sketch of South Africa) ” 花城 (Hua Cheng Literary Monthly), Sep 2020.

    8. “回復:上海的一些地方 (Re: Some Places in Shanghai) ” 印刻文學生活誌 (INK Literary Monthly), Aug 2020.

    9. “太陽的女兒們 (Heliades) ” 香港文學 (Hong Kong Literary), Sep, 2019, p. 4-12.

    10. “界 (Borders) ” 聯合報 (United Daily News), Dec 16, 2018, D3.

年度 獲獎榮譽

Yun-Cheng Sa Memorial Fellowship, Harvard University, 2021-22


Lo Chia-luen International Sinology Scholarship (External), 2021


Delphi Academy of European Studies, European Cultural Centre of Delphi (External), 2019


Yun-Cheng Sa Memorial Fellowship, Harvard University, 2017-18


Harvard-TUSA Collaboration Program Grant, Harvard University, 2017-18


Fairbank Center Taiwan Study Grant, Harvard University, 2017-18


Joseph Fletcher Memorial Award for Outstanding Thesis, Harvard University, 2017


Victor and William Fung Fellowship, Harvard University, 2015 – 17